Print Soda

“Printmaking art and handbound notebooks”

All items by Print Soda

  • A5 handbound notebook with a wave inspired cover

    A5 handbound notebook with ...

    Print Soda


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  • A5 Handbound notebook with orange leaf cover

    A5 Handbound notebook with ...

    Print Soda


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About Print Soda

Print Soda

Stunning handbound notebooks and sketchbooks using printmaking artwork as covers

I am an artist, printmaker and maker of beautiful and unique handbound notebooks and sketchbooks using original designs for the covers.

I use bookbinding techniques such as Japanese Stab Binding, pamphlet stitching, hard case binding and coptic binding and combine these techniques with original printmaking artwork to create stunning and unusual sketchbooks and notebooks which appeal to artists, writers and other creative people. I also produce original printmaking artwork and cards.

The landscape and natural forms are my primary sources of inspiration, including the gentle hills around Bath, Somerset and Wiltshire near where I live. The beautiful forms and textures of plants, rocks, the sea, rolling hills, atmospheric mists and woodland areas all provide inspiration for new prints and designs.

I started my creative journey in 2003 by studying for a HND in 3D Design Crafts at York College, following which I specialised in metal sculptural works, enamelled wall pieces and jewellery. In recent years I have developed my printmaking skills through attending weekly printmaking workshops at Wiltshire College, which I did for a number of years. I am also a member of Bath Artist Printmakers, which is a lovely cooperative printmaking studio in the Larkhall area of Bath, where we run regular exhibitions, workshops and open studios events. My bookbinding skills have been learnt through various courses at Bath Artists Studios and these skills are continually being developed.

You can often find me taking part in local art trails, art and craft fairs and events around Bath and Wiltshire and I love being part of an artistic community.

I hope you enjoy my work!