PJ Topley ART

paula jane topley Plus

“Art inspired by nature, all made to bring home ”

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About PJ Topley ART

PJ Topley ART

Painting what I see and love in nature, creating joy in your world too.

Hello.Welcome to my world. It consists of a tub of assorted acrylic paints, a beer glass full of paint brushes, a manky old tea towel and a shelf full of canvases waiting patiently ... I have a mobile studio in terms of I was supposed to have the attic room, but it was too far to walk to change my mucky water when painting, and then the second spare room - still a touch too far and the sink was way too small. So now I am back to the sunroom with my easel, paints and brushes.
To paint and create is my first love. And I often take photos whilst out walking Dotty our beautiful cocker spaniel and use them for inspiration in my work. My art is about bringing the outside in. Whichever style I use.
With training in surface pattern and textile design, my work over the years has brought my original designs greetings card accolades, when I worked with a publisher. Also through exhibiting in galleries, online sites, independent shops, Open Studios and at various Creative Markets including the Pittenweem Arts Festival. Knowing my art talks to you means the world ! Really does
Thankyou (: