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“"Crafting personalised treasures and offering one-of-a-kind PNGs and SVGs to elevate your creative journey at my Folksy store!"”

This shop is currently empty. Please check back when we've restocked.

Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About SassSarcasm


"Crafting personalised treasures and offering one-of-a-kind PNGs and SVGs to elevate your creative journey at my Folksy store!"

Step into my Folksy world where creativity knows no bounds! My artistic journey began as a celebration of personal stories and a love for crafting unique treasures. From the strokes of inspiration to the final details, each piece is a testament to my passion for creating bespoke items that resonate with individual narratives.

Nestled in my cozy workspace, surrounded by tools and a myriad of possibilities, I meticulously handcraft personalized items that capture the essence of cherished memories. The vibrant colors of nature and the warmth of personal experiences serve as my muse, infusing each creation with character and charm.

Beyond bespoke items, I also curate a collection of distinctive PNGs and SVGs, offering a touch of inspiration for fellow creators to weave their own narratives.

Thank you for being a part of this creative journey. Your support not only sustains a small business but fuels a dream nurtured with love and dedication. Let's embark on a creative adventure together!