Faithfully Yours

Jennifer Gonzales

“The perfect hand made gift - there's something here for everyone!”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

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About Faithfully Yours

Faithfully Yours

Transforming ordinary or discarded fabrics into beautiful practical cushions and personal pieces to use and cherish

For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed making things. As a child I would gather a whole array of materials, paper, card, fabric, wood, in fact whatever was lying around and I didn't think someone would miss. I would use this stash to try to recreate things I had seen or to design solutions for 'problems' I found in my room. When, at the age of 10, my mum recognised my need to craft and brought me a battery powered hand-held sewing machine I thought all my Christmases had come at once!

Over the years I have found myself returning to crafting, especially during times of stress. I get lost in creating and imagining the joy my creations will bring to whoever eventually receives it.

It's this desire to bring joy to people by creating practical but beautiful items that they will be able to use and enjoy again and again that has inspired this venture. And since I have a deep personal faith, what better name to call my business than Faithfully Yours.

I am a very small business. I specialise in making cushions but also enjoy making hair accessories and other household items from fabric, sourcing a lot of my materials from off-cuts and remnants. Its my aim in time to use only repurposed fabrics in my designs.

I work alone for most of the time getting help and support, when I need it, from my daughter and son. It has been a humble beginning but I hope you will stick with me on this journey as I create for you.

I remain Faithfully Yours,
